Baptism Team
The Sacrament of Baptism is about the initiation of the baby into the Christian community – the Church. The Baptism Team of St. Anthonys’ Parish offers the opportunity to put a face, a reality, on the welcome that parish community is offering to this baby and its family. The team provides an opportunity for the parents to be helped to better understand the liturgy so that they can enter more fully into it. It offers the opportunity for the parents to ask any questions they may have and most importantly it highlights the central role of the wider faith community in the life of this new Christian.
As in the role of the parents, it is not about knowing all there is to know about the Sacrament or the theology of Baptism, it is about meeting the family where they are in their faith journey, helping them to see where God might be in their lives and offering them the loving support of the Christian community.
Our Baptism Team
Mai Healy, Mary McDonagh, Mary Ryan
Catherine Curtis, Noreen Furlong, Marian Sheridan